"Happy are those servants whom the master finds waiting up when he arrives. I assure you that, when he arrives, he will dress himself to serve, seat them at the table as honored guests, and wait on them. Happy are those whom he finds alert, even if he comes at midnight or just before dawn." Luke 12:37-38 (CEB)
I confess ... I have seen an episode or two of Duck Dynasty and I get Phil Robertson's expression of contentment and gratitude: happy, happy, happy. Usually, he utters those words around a lovely experience of family, of teaching/learning a life lesson that's steeped in God's grace, or of a great bowl of Mrs. Kay's gumbo. Truth be told, when we - no, I'll own it - when I consider myself "happy, happy, happy" it's generally because my needs have been met, my preferences have been recognized, or those 'things' that bring me joy and contentment have come to me.
That's the reason Jesus' words here really grab my attention. If things really are according to my own experience(s), shouldn't he have said something to the effect of ... 'happy is the master who finds his servants behaving well when he arrives"? Happiness here is not about getting what you want or expect or what you think IS the right thing; happiness here is about discovering a new depth of relationship with one's master.
So, I'm led to recognize that MY happiness is not just about ME. If I dare consider myself a servant of Christ, Master Jesus is telling me that there is a happiness I can't even imagine. A happiness that I will experience when I see and know my Master in a new, intimate way. The Master isn't into passing out pats on the back, or bonus checks, or new titles just because we've been vigilant in our work and kept at it no matter how long it takes for him to show up. The Master, instead, gives us himself in a new way. Face-to-face, intentional places of honor ... he serves those who have shown their love for and commitment to him by serving him.
Lord Jesus, forgive me for seeking, wanting, embracing happiness that's basically about my own appetites being satiated and about me finding comfort. Forgive me for that because it's a settling for things, though wonderful, that are not deep-well happiness that comes in my relationship with you. You want me to know a deep happiness that comes in feasting and fellowship with you in ways that come only when you set the table. So, Lord, give me courage and energy to serve however I'm asked or needed, knowing that there is a fellowship coming with you that is sweeter, deeper than I can even imagine or ask. And, help me remember that the deep sweetness of that fellowship comes in waiting on you, waiting for you .. sure of your unpredictable coming, surer still of your love for me. Let it be so.
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