March 13: Deuteronomy 22-24, Galatians 4
Instead of one verse or a short passage jumping out from today's readings, what caught my attention in the three chapters of Deuteronomy are these two words: REMOVE and REMEMBER.
Throughout our "early history" we find sweeping passages that echo warnings and encouragements over and over again. So, the echoes in these three chapters aren't new, but the Spirit showed me something today that is clarifying. So many times through the Old Testament we hear the familiar "don't do this," or "you MUST do this." And, like yesterday's reading, we're often reminded of what God is giving us - battle victories, safe places to be and build community, freedom in place of slavery, and on and on.
It dawned on me today that these two words describe a large part of our work. God is busy going before us, preparing the way to give us this promised land. Trusting God and marching where, how, and when God says march is certainly part of our work. We march with confidence because of the covenant relationship we have with God. And, God has given us responsibility in this covenant relationship with God and with each other.
Remember. Remember where you've come from, remember Whose you are, remember what I've done before you, remember the promises I've made to you, remember, remember, remember. I've often said that God made us to be remember-ers. (That's why forgive-and-forget will never hold water; we can't do it.) So, remembering who and Whose we are is a huge part of our relationship with God and our relationships with one another. Why? Our identity determines how we are in relationship with any one, so it stands to reason that remembering who and how I am (how I came to be, how I am transforming, toward what end I am striving, etc.) affects all my other thoughts and behaviors.
Remove. Several times, at least in these three chapters, God says "remove such evil from your community." This is where it would be nice for Batman or Captain America to show and take care of all the evil, but God seems to be trusting His folks to be able to recognize what is of God and what is not. And, to maintain or honor this standard of sorts that has been set. To NOT do so threatens not only my own spiritual health, but that of my community, too. Remove. Not set aside, lock away, ignore. Remove. And, God really is trusting me to speak to and act toward evil. Yikes.
Both of these words are action words. Both actions are my responsibility and, so, can/should originate with me. I don't have to wait for someone to tell me what to remember or what threat should be removed. I am responsible and aware enough of the Source of my identity and all that threatens my health that I can do this work. But, will I? Do I really believe that I have the ability, the responsibility, or that the threat is real? While my circumstances may look completely different from those of the Israelites settling into new places, I can give you this simple example from my own life. I am created by the God of the Universe and created in His image, designed to be a temple of the Holy Spirit. Chips and dip, while tasting of heaven, are not good for me ... especially when moderation is thrown out the window! But, I eat them anyway. And, they elevate my weight, my cholesterol level, and all manner of other things we won't discuss.
Where did I fail? Me? A temple of God's Spirit? What would He want with me?! Or, there's no real threat here toward my overall health; these little ol' chips barely drug through Pancho's cheese dip couldn't possibly do any harm if I just have a few once in a while.
You get where I'm going. You and I have to decide whether we believe God's claim on us. I have a friend who is known to say, especially to those who work with him, "what you do determines what I do." If I believe God has a claim on me, then my work is clear. Trust, yes. Suit up and march into certain battles, you betcha. Remember who and Whose I am, absolutely. Remove evil from my path and from my community, that, too. Time to get busy.
Lord Jesus, I pray for deep conviction of who and Whose I am. That identity sets my mind as well as my hands and feet to holy work, beginning with remembering who I am in and because of your immeasurable love. The power that comes with that love will be what I need to remove evil from my path. And, you've promised to cover the gaps in my ability and my sight. I pray for your protection, Lord, but I'm also glad that you don't let me off the hook. I will do my part in this relationship you've extended to me. With your strength, I will do my best. Amen.
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