Thursday, March 12, 2015

When You March Out to Battle

March 12:  Deuteronomy 19-21, Galatians 3

"When you march out to battle your enemies and you see horses, chariots, and a fighting force larger than yours, don't be afraid of them, because the Lord your God, the one who brought you up from Egypt, is with you." 
Deuteronomy 20:1

Man, this verse is packed full!  I bet I know the part of the verse you love as much as me ... the Lord is with us!  That's good news.  That we still so easily  forget that God's ALWAYS with us baffles me, but the truth is He's a constant companion, whether we face good or bad.

There's still more to unpack, though.  And, at first glance, it's not-so-good news.  The hard truth we gotta face?
  • there are times you have to do battle
  • you will have enemies
  • sometimes your enemies will be better prepared to fight than you
One of those truths alone would be enough to send us back in the house.  We would prefer life to be easy (or someone else do the hard part for us), we would rather think we have no enemies (if you're kind enough to not have made an enemy for yourself by now, you'll have 'em anyway just because of the One to whom you belong ... well, if others know you belong to Him), and we're smart enough to know that when we're overpowered, the fight's not worth it.

The Truth that trumps them all, though, is the one we celebrated at the beginning:  God is always with us ... even when He sends us into battle, even when we face the Enemy, and especially when that Enemy seems to be better prepared for the scrap.  God promised the Israelites that He was giving them the battle against these enemies.  Well ...
  • how can you be victorious in battle if you won't go to battle?  And,
  • how will God be glorified in your life if you won't lean on His power and wisdom over your own?
My temptation (yours, too, probably) is to pick the battles I know I can win ... emphasis on the "I can."  And, my primary Enemy (yours, too) would love nothing better than for us to forget that God goes before us, has given us those spiritual battles and a few others thrown in for good measure, so it doesn't matter what power any enemy brings against us ... God is All-Power.

No doubt, you are just like me ... your life has been touched by diseases like cancer and addiction, you have known more than your share of discord and disappointment, and you've been complicit, if not the cause of such more than once.  You know what it's like to feel powerless.  All the more reason to anticipate the need for and claim God's power, that promised power that will secure the important victories in your life and in mine.

God's promise is sure; He is with you.  Now, receive your marching orders and get going!

Lord Jesus,  lots of folks struggle with this ready-to-do-battle God of the Old Testament all the while discounting the battles we face every day.  Thank you for your promise to always be my companion.  And, for the promise that the toughest battles are already won because you have secured that victory for me, despite me! .. for that I am forever grateful.  I need your courage to suit up and march into battle, especially when I see how well armed the Enemy is.  You are All-Power, though, and if I'll keep my eyes on you neither the piddly power of the Enemy nor my own ineptitude will defeat me.  Thank you, in advance, for your love and watch-care. I love you, Lord!

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